Final Pilot Projects Announced for NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory

(December 16, 2024) Realizing practical advantages from quantum-scale phenomena has been a long-sought milestone in quantum information science. The U.S. National Science Foundation today announced six pilot projects to bridge scientific gaps between current quantum technological capabilities and those needed to fully harness quantum properties of energy and matter for practical uses. Each pilot project will receive $1 million for phase one of a process to design and eventually implement testbeds for quantum technologies in real-world environments. These projects join five others that were announced in August 2024. These efforts are collectively supported by the NSF National Quantum Virtual Laboratory (NSF NQVL) initiative, an ambitious program to accelerate the development of quantum technologies by providing researchers anywhere in the U.S. with access to specialized resources. NQVL project teams are led by quantum experts spanning academia, industry, national labs and government as well as others with diverse backgrounds.

To learn more, view the NSF press release at

The August 2024 press release announcing the first five projects is available at