(December 23, 2024) On January 31, 2025, DARPA will host an in-person Proposers Day at the DARPA Conference Center in Arlington, VA. The Proposers Day is an opportunity to learn more about the anticipated Robust Quantum Sensors (RoQS) program vision, foster collaboration among stakeholders, address questions, and promote teaming arrangements for research and development.
The aim of the RoQS program will be to advance quantum sensing technology for use on Department of Defense platforms. While quantum sensors have shown exceptional capabilities in controlled settings, their performance often declines in dynamic environments due to factors such as vibrations and electromagnetic interference. If released, RoQS will seek to address these challenges by developing sensors that resist performance degradation in real-world conditions.
Learn more and register for the Proposers Day event at https://www.darpa.mil/research/programs/roqs-robust-quantum-sensors