Happy #WorldQuantumDay!
Agencies across the Federal Government joined the grassroots, international celebration to promote public understanding of quantum science and technology.
One example is the National Q-12 Education Partnership‘s video, “What YOU can do with quantum science.” OSTP, NSF, and NASA all contributed to its production, plus industry, academia, and professional societies. It is narrated by LeVar Burton (of Reading Rainbow, Star Trek, and Roots fame) and features quantum scientists and students, as well as NASA Astronaut Josh Cassada.
Additional activities are highlighted in a whitehouse.gov blog post.
Another activity was a social media conversation between OSTP, NIST, NSF, DOE, NIH, NASA, DoD, STATE, and DHS about how quantum impacts their missions. Below, we have captured the conversation:
White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
Happy #WorldQuantumDay! From solar panels and MRIs to semiconductors and GPS, quantum science is helping the US achieve its climate, health, and technological aspirations. How does quantum impact your world? Let's turn to @NIST! pic.twitter.com/6VbRIt1Dzf
— White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (@WHOSTP) April 14, 2023
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
Quantum is a constant in nature, a dependable reference for the precise measurements needed to advance the fields @WHOSTP mentions.
What say you, @NSF?#WorldQuantumDay https://t.co/3GukiqEn6R
— National Institute of Standards and Technology (@NIST) April 14, 2023
National Science Foundation (NSF)
And as incredible as the quantum realm in @Marvel's #Quantumania. The real quantum realm is even stranger, and it gets weirder the closer we look.
Curious about quantum? @NSF has some answers! https://t.co/OSprIrnH73What do you think @doescience?
: E. Edwards/JQI https://t.co/FmklP3xeRW pic.twitter.com/IvGCKzgcJQ
— National Science Foundation (@NSF) April 14, 2023
Department of Energy (DOE)
What's most incredible is that quantum physics is all around us. It describes the interactions of the particles that make up you, us & everything we see. We're researching quantum physics & computers. @NIHDataScience, what are you doing? #WorldQuantumDay https://t.co/fS9TGP8QC7 https://t.co/6jFEYBdNuR pic.twitter.com/dKxucM6KLQ
— DOE Office of Science (@doescience) April 14, 2023
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
It's hard not to get a big head when you have partners of such stature as @doescience! @NIH is exploring how quantum technology may have near term applications in biomedical sciences. How about @NASASCaN? #WorldQuantumDay https://t.co/GUYb2DL63a https://t.co/f60lFHZeQq
— NIH Office of Data Science Strategy (@NIHDataScience) April 14, 2023
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
We’re entangled with #WorldQuantumDay today.@NASA is exploring how quantum technologies can be used in space. Super powerful computers, more secure communications, and improved GPS tracking are a few examples of how quantum will advance science.
What about you, @AFResearchLab? https://t.co/XEOmMMFlNz pic.twitter.com/laj5iwm65B
— NASA Space Communications and Navigation (@NASASCaN) April 14, 2023
Air Force Research Lab (AFRL)
While the quantum world is observable at a "micro" level – #AFRL is working to connect experts within this space at a bit larger scale.
Celebrate #WorldQuantumDay by learning about our global #quantum labs: https://t.co/xLVOOdnnbn
What's going on with you @SciDiplomacyUSA? https://t.co/ePLFG0XHgd
— Air Force Research Lab – AFRL (@AFResearchLab) April 14, 2023
Department of State
Here @StateDept, we facilitate “quantum leaps” in innovation through international science and technology collaboration that helps unlock quantum’s potential for technologies that benefit society.@USNRL, how does your agency work on quantum? #WorldQuantumDay https://t.co/9PayYxVPBS
— U.S. Department of State | Science Diplomacy USA (@SciDiplomacyUSA) April 14, 2023
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
#DYK the @USNavy designated #USNRL as its Quantum Information Research Center? Learn how NRL is leading Quantum Information Science: https://t.co/W9ea6ED1pM@dhsscitech, what do you think #quantum will mean for the future? https://t.co/neUBDQ6uta
— U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (@USNRL) April 14, 2023
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Quantum will be a big disrupter, but don't panic! We outlined some exciting potential tech developments in our podcast episode on quantum info science, "It's Going to Be World Changing."
Apple: https://t.co/TYCNEpCFRj
Google: https://t.co/A64Na5SqPFLet's take it home @WHOSTP. https://t.co/AaA1AyG39O pic.twitter.com/MAyk8rsl5I
— DHS S&T (@dhsscitech) April 14, 2023
For more information about the U.S. Government’s engagement in World Quantum Day, please see our World Quantum Day page on quantum.gov.