The Alan T. Waterman Award – Office of the Director (OD) – NSF

The experiments led to the interpretation of the new particles as being composed of simpler constituents, possessing a new property of matter.” 1979: Dr. William P. Thurston Princeton University “In recognition of his achievements in introducing revolutionary new geometrical methods in the theory of foliations, function theory and topology.” 1978

SOP 14 Gravimetric Calibration of Volumetric Standards Using an …

18 °C to 23 °C . Stable to ± 1 °C / 1 h, during the calibration : 40 % to 60 % . Stable to ± 10 % / 4 h : 2 Methodology Scope, Precision, Accuracy The procedure is applicable for the calibration of any size of measuring container that, when filled with water, will not overload the electronic balance used. Typical

The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2024 – NSF

the National Science Foundation (NSF) Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1863 (j) (1) to prepare the biennial Science and Engineering Indicators (Indicators) report for and transmit it to the president and Congress every even-numbered year. The report is prepared by the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) within NSF under the

Examination Procedure for Belt-Conveyor Scales – National Institute of …

3.5. On all new units installed after January 1, 1986, the operational temperature range if it is other than – 10 °C to 40 °C (14 °F to 104 °F). ….. S.4. (e) 3.6. For units installed after January 1, 1986 check that the rated belt speed and material loading of the Scale is within the parameters outlined in the

US NSF – ENG – CBET – About

The mission of the Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) Division is to support innovative research and education in the fields of chemical engineering, biotechnology, bioengineering, and environmental engineering, and in areas that involve the transformation and/or transport of matter and energy by chemical, thermal, or mechanical means.

Research Experiences for Teachers in Engineering and Computer Science

K-14 educators will enhance their scientific disciplinary knowledge in engineering or computer science and translate their research experiences into classroom activities and curricula to broaden their students’ awareness of and participation in computing and engineering pathways.

NSF 14-579: Facilitating Research at Primarily Undergraduate …

RUI Impact Statement. All RUI proposals must include a RUI Impact Statement that does not exceed five (5) pages. The statement is an opportunity to provide information that will help a reviewer to assess the likely impact of the proposed project on the research environment of the predominantly undergraduate institutions(s); the impact on the career(s) of the faculty participants, and on the …

The State of U.S. Science and Engineering 2024 – NSF

The global competitiveness of the United States is supported through the nation’s STEM talent, R&D-driven discovery, and translation of knowledge into the economy and society through innovation. The United States is the largest performer of R&D, but the overall balance of global science and engineering (S&E) resources and activity continues a long-term shift toward other areas of the world.

NSF Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation (CETP)

C. Continuum of Teacher Preparation. The range of activities expected of CETP projects spans the entire continuum of teacher preparation which includes recruitment, instruction in content, pedagogy, classroom management, early field experiences, credentialing, and induction and support of novice teachers. In meeting the immediate national demand for high-quality mathematics and science …

Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport …

Special funding focus on new science and technologies for the mitigation, remediation, and/or treatment of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) to improve and protect public and environmental health. Read More. Research opportunity on sentinel systems research for emergent biological threats.

NSF Award Search: Award # 1702238 – NSF – National Science Foundation

ABSTRACT Global surface warming markedly slowed between 2000 and 2014 despite a continued increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Both climate models and observations suggest that this slowdown or “hiatus” in warming may be attributed (at least in part) to strong trade-winds in the tropical Pacific.